Height 6’1″

Chest 37″

Waist 30.5″

Shoe 11



AGE? 19.

HOMETOWN? San Francisco, CA.

ARE YOU IN SCHOOL? I am! I’m studying fashion design at Parsons with a concentration in menswear.

HOW DID YOU GET INTO MODELING? Entirely unintentionally. My mom connected with an old friend who happens to now run an agency in the Bay Area. Her friend saw a photo of me and asked if I’d be interested in modeling. From there I was kind of timid about getting into it but thought it could be fun. I’ve been doing it for three or so years.

FIRST MODELING JOB? I cannot say because I’m under NDA and unfortunately I can’t really recall my second or third job. But my first test shoot was with a good friend out in LA, The Social Trust, who gave me a wonderful and very comfortable introduction to modeling.

FAVORITE PART OF BEING A MODEL? I would have to say the people I meet. I’m sure it’s a very common answer but through this industry I’ve met some of the most wildly talented and interesting people on jobs. There’s also such an exceptional range of talents that go into any production and it’s amazing to see so many creative talents come together.

WORSE PART OF BEING A MODEL? Being beholden to other people’s schedules up until the very last minute. It comes with the territory but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a little inconvenient having to have a lot of time blocked out on my schedule for things that I have no say if I’m going to even end up doing.

HAVE YOU WALKED RUNWAY OR DO YOU ASPIRE TO WALK RUNWAY? I have walked a bit of runway but it’s never been my main form of modeling. I would like to walk more because I’m very enamored with fashion but it’s not a primary objective to me.

FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHER? Not fashion related but Ansel Adams is my favorite photographer. His images are so incredibly striking and the social influence which surrounds them really solidifies him as my favorite.

FAVORITE MODEL? Honestly, I don’t keep up with modeling to any point where I could say I have a favorite model. I could hardly name any off the top of my head!

FAVORITE DESIGNER/LABEL? There are so many designers I have immense respect for but I’d have to say my favorite at the moment would be Rick Owens. To create an ethos and a cohesion in a brand and image such as he has takes so much more than just good clothes. I feel he has not just defined his own genre of clothing but also created a whole world surrounding it.

DREAM CAMPAIGN? If I could look half as cool as Ryan Gosling in the Gucci campaign he did a couple of years back I think I’d be incredibly happy.

DESCRIBE YOUR STYLE/LOOK? All over the place. I wear a lot of very Americana-inspired clothing from vintage Levi’s to modern western shirts. But then I find myself wearing high-heeled Margiela boots with a women’s vest. It really changes by the day. If there is one consistency it’s wearing a lot of Evan Kinori. I’m not sure how I’d describe the look but it’s the only brand I ever wear head to toe.

FAVORITE MUSICIAN/BAND? I’m enamored with so many forms of music from new wave to jazz to ambient to shoegaze but I always find myself back at Radiohead. Their music has always found a way to comfort me at different points of my life. Never is one album my favorite. Their breadth of work is so wide. Different albums accompany me at different moments.

FAVORITE SONG OF THE MOMENT? “Like a Tattoo” – Sade.

INTERESTS BESIDES MODELING? There are a lot of things I do outside of modeling but my main hobby also happens to now be what I’m studying and working in which is fashion. I spend most of my free time either pattern making, sewing, or looking through fabrics and inspiration.

GF? BF? Currently single!

WHAT’S NEXT FOR YOU? Hopefully just finishing up college and getting as much work done in the process. I really want to spend the next couple of years building as many skills as possible and honing those I already have. I feel that I’m in a time in my life where I have a uniquely vast range of things I can explore. I want to explore as many as possible.

Photography & menswear styling

alexander michael thompson

Photographed in New York City.

